Senior School
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Welcome to Dulwich College Beijing Senior School! 

At Dulwich College Beijing, we offer a rigorous and exciting academic programme which offers breadth and depth of learning throughout the Senior year classes. In Years 7 to 9 (Key Stage 3), the UK curriculum is contextualised and enhanced for our students, with a focus on developing transferable skills. We take seriously our role in ensuring that secondary school students further develop their approaches to learning which will support their development and study through the Senior School.  

IGCSE Programme for Year 10 and 11 Students

For senior year students in Years 10 and 11 (Key Stage 4), we offer the IGCSE programme, widely considered to be world-class curriculum. At DCB, we go the extra mile in preparing our students for the future, by enhancing this offering with our own bespoke STEM, Future Tech and Liberal Arts courses. This showcases our commitment to creativity and innovation by adapting the learning environment to best suit the students’ needs in their future.

IB Diploma Programme for Years 12 and 13 Students 

In Years 12 and 13 (Key Stage 5), high school students in Beijing China take the prestigious IB Diploma Programme allowing them a chance to delve deeper into subjects that they are passionate about, whilst maintaining a level of breadth to their studies. Whilst we are very proud of the sustained high achievement of our students over the years the IBDP level, we are equally delighted by the fine young people who are shaped by and thrive in this holistic programme. Students and parents have access to expert university counsellors with a proven track record and are supported by a dedicated and experienced IB team over these two years.   

A Holistic Approach to Youth Development at DCB 

At DCB, we recognise the importance of developing young people, instilling in them our core values and ensuring that they are given the opportunity to grow and flourish beyond academics. They are actively engaged in student leadership throughout secondary school (years 7 - 13), and have a prominent voice within our community, helping shape the future of their education. Beyond the school day, they play sports, debate, perform, and create in a myriad of different ways. This enrichment goes hand in hand with their studies and maintaining a positive work life balance. 

Dedicated Educators & Thriving Secondary School Community

Dulwich teachers are specialists with a passion for teaching and learning and a belief that students truly do come first. Our pastoral teams strive to ensure that each student achieves a sense of belonging– and it shows, for our students are our best ambassadors. Their sense of spirit, fun and commitment to DCB makes the Senior School a rather special place to be.  

Do come and visit us, or take our virtual tour to learn more about our school. Our students and staff will be delighted to welcome you.

Explore Senior School

Join two of our DCB Senior School students at Dulwich College Beijing as they guide you through their senior year classes, curriculum, and life beyond the classroom. Discover the many leadership opportunities, multicultural environments, and core values that prepare students for their future careers.

High School Curriculum & Academics

At Dulwich College Beijing, we want students to grow in confidence, character and skills within a safe, nurturing environment that allows them to be individuals within a supportive school community. Our high school curriculum draws on the best influences from around the world, which offers breadth and depth of learning throughout Senior School. 

English National Curriculum, IGCSE and IB Diploma Programmes

The framework in Years 7 to 9 is based on an enhanced version of the English National Curriculum. It provides a balanced curriculum for our youngest learners and a broad range of experiences and opportunities. For students in Years 10 and 11, we offer the IGCSE programme, widely considered to be a world-class curriculum. In the final two years, all secondary school students start the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme – a global gold standard for university entrance. The IGCSE programme provides a solid foundation in knowledge and understanding going into the final two years and give many a strong start for the IB Diploma Programme. Both of our IGCSE and IB diploma programmes create a content-rich school environment and a supportive one. Our students access the top universities around the globe, evidenced by the sustained high achievement of our students over the years at IGCSE and IBDP levels. 

Multi-Language Programme for High School Students

As part of our commitment to cross-cultural understanding and to Live Worldwise, language is an integral part of the student journey here at Dulwich College Beijing. Though English is the language of instruction and the working language of the school, we are able to provide support for students who might need it. Senior School students also attend Mandarin classes, which range from sessions for complete beginners to those with fully age-appropriate native-language literacy skills. And from as early as Year 7, senior year students begin an intensive European Languages programme that will eventually give them an option to take it as an IB subject. 

Our strong multi-language programme aims to give learners the ability to use languages in diverse contexts such as leisure, cultural diversity, societal, etc. and ensure our senior school students achieve their full potential, regardless of the language. 

More about the Curriculum:

Performing Arts Programme & Opportunities

In Senior School, music is offered to all students, and is offered as an elective subject under the IGCSE and IB programmes in Years 10 to 13. Our secondary school students are provided with exciting opportunities to explore and enjoy the diversity of music from around the world, with ample opportunities for students to participate at all levels. At DCB, the number and variety of offerings, the visiting professionals, the enthusiasm of the students, and the passion of our teachers make a strong visual and performing arts programme, with end results speaking for themselves!

Our theatres, The Edward Alleyn Theatre and our Wodehouse Theatre, gives students the opportunity to shine under the spotlight in major drama productions and musical performances or rehearse in intimate settings. Events such as House Singing and talent shows demonstrate the importance of performing arts for all.

Together with passionate staff and high standards, our performances consistently wow audiences, allowing students from DUCKS to the IB Diploma level to grow in confidence.

Senior School Sports Programme

Engagement in sports not only aids in students' physical development; it also helps to enhance social, emotional as well as time and stress management skills. With our strong sports programme from DUCKS to Secondary School, we want to instil in all of our students a love for regular physical activities and celebrate the successes of hard teamwork and resilience and also know how to deal with defeat and lose with grace. We aim to encourage our students to participate in lifelong physical activity, not only at DCB but as they progress beyond DCB.

Our campus provides world-class facilities, including a 5-lane 25-meter standard swimming pool and a gym located in the Dulwich Legend Sports Centre, our two-star FIFA rated football pitch the South Pitch, a professional rugby field certified by the International Rugby Board and Beijing’s only cricket pitch. Our indoor sports spaces such as our Sports Hall and Beijing’s first sports dome, DCB’s North Dome, features a world-class in-built air purification and fresh air system which allows for PE lessons throughout the school year.

Sporting Competition Opportunities

DCB also hosts a number of sporting competitions each year in this venue through our membership in the regional school association. Through sporting competitions and participation, DCB develops the leadership skills of our students, as well as advocating for the importance of team spirit and sportsmanship.

Sustainability and Global Citizenship at DCB

Dulwich College Beijing (DCB) is committed to developing responsible global citizens who are inspired to take action towards sustainability and global citizenship. In Senior School, these values are essential components of the educational experience. Through various activities, both within and in addition to the curriculum, senior year students have the opportunity to learn about and engage with issues related to sustainability and global citizenship.

Many of our Global Citizenship and Sustainability initiatives were initiated by current and former students, and continue to be led by students. This encourages student agency and leadership, allowing students to take ownership of their learning and to develop the skills and knowledge needed to become responsible global citizens. Through these Global Citizenship competencies, students are encouraged to take inspired action and create positive impacts as individuals and as a group, within their school, immediate communities, and globally.

By participating in a variety of activities such as community service projects, sustainability initiatives, and global citizenship-related events, students are able to apply what they learn in the classroom to real-world situations. This approach enables them to develop the skills needed to become effective leaders and change agents. Ultimately, the focus on Global Citizenship and Sustainability in Senior School at Dulwich College Beijing China helps to cultivate future leaders who are passionate about creating solutions to the world's problems and making informed choices to create positive impacts on the planet and society.

Learning Beyond the Classroom

At Dulwich College Beijing (DCB), we aim to cultivate diligent global thinkers beyond the academic endeavours. The six pillars of enrichment: DCB values, Service, Sports, House system, ECAs, and Trips aim to provide high school students with the opportunity to embrace themselves with the DCB community and enrich themselves through seeking their own passions and interests. In particular, the student prefects stand at the forefront of this vision, acting as key leaders aiming to stimulate learning beyond the classroom. Through a range of diverse projects launched every year, they not only add to the holistic experience at DCB, but also continue on a legacy that inspires younger students.

Encouraging Student Leadership and COmmunity Enagement in Senior School

Students across the College are strongly encouraged to follow their passions. This extends also into taking ownership of their learning, and seizing the opportunity to lead others in an area they are interested in. As such, our students have numerous opportunities to volunteer and lead community-based projects they care strongly about.

Leadership Opportunities for Senior School Students

There are various leadership positions available to students throughout the Senior School. We have a very active student council (StuCo) which is led by the Executive Student Council team. They are responsible for organising and running events such as movie nights, themed calendar events and the DCB formal. They are also responsible for ensuring the 'student voice’ is heard and regularly lobby on behalf of the student body to effect positive change in the school.

Leadership Positions: Prefect & House systems

Other leadership positions include the Prefect system. Open to Year 12, these positions covering 12 different portfolios (areas of responsibility) within 4 key pillars that are overseen by our 4 head students, are extremely active in recruiting others, leading initiatives and change for improvement across the school land wider community. Inside of this system is also the House system. Our House prefects are there to lead whole-school house events and bring a sense of cross-school cohesion and fun healthy competition.

Our award-winning Worldwise Academy, for example, was co-organised with our students and we have numerous student-led Extra Curricular Activities (ECA’s) borne out of our students’ passions for certain subjects. Many of our secondary school students are also deeply involved with local projects and making a positive change in our community.   

Student Wellbeing Programme in Senior School

We recognise that, as educators, we play an essential role in ensuring that our secondary school students develop holistically, with the skills and mindset to thrive in life beyond school in order to fulfil their potential as well-balanced global citizens. As such, student wellbeing is a priority in the Senior School.

This is evidenced through our wellbeing programme, which is a dedicated weekly period, in which high school students learn about topics outside of the examined curriculum. The purpose of this is to develop life skills that will help prepare students for the current and future stages of their lives. Wellbeing is taught explicitly as part of the Senior School wellbeing curriculum but is also supplemented through ECAs, sports, trips, community projects and numerous other programmes.

We also regularly monitor our students’ wellbeing using various measures such as the Pupil Attitude to Self and School (PASS) survey, the tracking of pastoral data on iSams and a socio-emotional tracking app in Microsoft Teams. All of which offer rich and triangulated data-based information.

Through the implementation of all the above, we aim to track student wellbeing as well as empower our Senior School students to take ownership of their own wellbeing and understand their role in the wellbeing of others.

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University and Careers Counselling

Through our unique and extensive University and Careers Counselling (UCC) programme, our students pursue the university, college, or career pathway that best fit their interests and goals. We believe that student success inside and outside of the classroom is rooted in a student’s ability to exhibit resilience and flexibility in an ever-changing world. Learn more about our unique university and careers counselling programme and how our excellent Counsellors guide our students to find their best fit schools.

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Our facilities were built with intention and with our students in mind and with input from our educators and community. Several locations around the Senior School community allow students to commune, work together or just relax in between classes. The College also provides numerous specialist classrooms where students can pursue their passion projects with age-appropriate, world-class equipment and facilities.   

Apply to Senior School

Come learn about how our senior year students excel because we value sports, creative arts, and service to others just as much as academic achievements. Learn more about our curriculum, including our IGCSE and IB programmes, after-school activities, leadership opportunities, pastoral care system, counselling, and more. Send us a message, take our virtual tour or apply here.