Back to School: Fresh Year, Fresh Start

Dulwich College Beijing
Students and Claudia on the first day back to school

Welcome to the new Academic Year 2023-2024! 

Last Thursday, we welcomed our students back from their holiday, refreshed and energised for another year of growth and learning. Our campus buzzed with excitement as returning families exchanged greetings and excited smiles, and students headed off to their new classrooms, excited to see old friends again. We also extend a warm welcome to our new families, and rest assured that they’re in good hands with their classmates and our expert teachers. Because whether students are transitioning into a new year level, a new school or starting their IGCSEs or IB, you’ll be supported in the best way possible to smoothly transition in your new milestone of education.  

As always, summer was busy with renovations and upgrades, and we’re excited that our students will finally be able to explore and use these spaces. Anthony Coles, our Head of College, shares more in the video below: 

Welcome back, and we’re looking forward to another year of holistic learning!

first day back
First day of school
First day of school
First day of school
First day of school
First day of school
First day of school
First day of school
First day of school