Hear from the Dulwich College Beijing’s alumni! | Elena REID
We are happy to introduce a new series of interviews highlighting our International Old Alleynians, or IOA in short, namely, our Dulwich College Beijing alumni. Their childhood and teenage years at DCB behind them, they were happy to share fond memories of DCB and tell us about their journey since then.

DCB Class of 2014
Graduated from the University of Melbourne
- International Politics and Media Communications
- Master of Education
Secondary School Teacher at Viewbank College in Melbourne, Victoria.
1. Please tell us more about your current job.
I work at a co-educational government state school in the northeastern suburbs of Melbourne, where I teach humanities and media arts. I am also a Student Wellbeing Coordinator, acting as an advocate for students. This role includes mentoring, developing a curriculum to build resilience and knowledge in areas of health and wellbeing, and helping staff and carers navigate student management plans, critical incidents and welfare issues.
2. What do you like most about your current professional life?
The aspect I like the most about my current job is the relationships I have developed with my students. These relationships are imbued with mutual respect, kindness, and care. Most importantly, my classroom is open to differences – whether it be ethnicity, sexuality, disability or others. These are qualities that I feel are important for any person to develop. As a Wellbeing Coordinator, I am able to work with the community to ensure students have the language, skills and resources to enable them to take agency and control over their wellbeing and make positive choices in life. It is great to spend my day working with young people!

3. Share a memorable experience or moment from your DCB years
A memorable experience during my DCB years was every sporting practice, game and competition that I participated in alongside my talented peers. I owe that memory to my dedicated coaches (many of whom were my teachers all throughout my time at Dulwich).

4. How has DCB prepared you for your adult life?
DCB has taught me to value my relationships with my friends, teachers and community. Save their contact details – you never know when or where you’ll see them next!
5. One thing you would advise our current DCB students
The pandemic has undoubtedly impacted us all in various ways – take care of your mental health and wellbeing by spending less time on social media and more time in the presence of people who make you laugh

6. Which word in each pair describes you best?
a. Coffee/Tea: Coffee
b. Cat/Dog: Dog
c. Steak/Salad: Steak
d. 798/Great Wall: Great Wall