Congratulations to our Dulwich Photo Competition Winners!

We are proud to announce that members of our DCB Community have been selected as winners of this year’s Dulwich Photo Competition!

As part of the Worldwise Events programme, this year's Dulwich Photo Competition marks an important milestone as it reaches its 10th anniversary. 

Ever since the first photo competition in 2013, the “Science Art Photo Competition” at Dulwich International High School Suzhou, it has grown into one of the most beloved and anticipated network events, connecting our wider community all over the world. 

This year the competition focussed on celebration — celebration of its long running history and incredible global community. 

Following on from last year’s practice, for every 10 entries received, DCI will be planting a tree. And in keeping with our strong global citizenship values at the core, this year’s themes included: 

  • Active Animals
  • Living Plants
  • People and the Environment
  • Science in Action


And the winners from Dulwich College Beijing are:

Vigorous debate Vigorous debate

Category: Living Plants

2nd place: Felix Hu - Parent

  • Adam Deshpande
  • Dulwich College Beijing
  • Teachers & Staff

These pelicans in Suzhou zoo were in the midst of a passionate and heated debate. Who knows about what.

Unexpected Mushrooms Unexpected Mushrooms

Category: Living Plants

2nd place: Felix Hu - Parent

  • Felix Hu
  • Dulwich College Beijing
  • Parents

Unexpected encounter of life after a sudden rain.

Another Day in Paradise Another Day in Paradise

Category: People and the Environment

3rd place: Na Song – Parents 

  • Na Song
  • Dulwich College Beijing
  • Parents

Took at Hollywood boulevard, Los Angles on January 11, 2023. Two homeless men resting in front of a “Now Hiring” sign. The global economy is beginning to recover from the pandemic, but not all people recovered from its impact. Caption inspired by Phil Collins’ song-“Another Day in Paradise”


Congratulations to all our winnners, and we look forward to next year’s competition!