No IGCSE Exams? Get a Head Start on IB Diploma Programme!

At DCB, Year 12 and 13 students study the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP), which is highly respected by universities around the world. The completion of this two-year curriculum alone puts students in good standing for success in their future lives.

Why? Because it’s famously rigorous. With six subjects demanding university-level analytical thinking plus Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay, and proof that you have been consistently involved in Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS), the completion of IBDP is a monumental feat, as the graduating students themselves will likely tell you.
Because younger students do hear about how tough the IB years are before they get there, wouldn’t it be great if we could do even more to prepare the Year 11s for their last two years of school?
With the IGCSE* final exams cancelled worldwide, DCB Senior School used this time as the perfect opportunity to design an enhanced transition from Year 11 to the IB.

IB Induction for Year 11
Over two weeks in April, Year 11 students previewed what the IB courses would be like as well as the expectations for the next two years. Students were offered:
- Taster IB lessons of subjects they wanted to know more about
- Sample lessons of non-IGCSE subjects, such as Global Politics, Film Studies, and Environmental Systems and Societies
- University counselling sessions
- Introduction to CAS
- Introduction to Extended Essay
- Pastoral transition sessions
Through these sessions, students
- Learned to see horizontal links between all subjects, in this case, “the pros and cons of globalisation”
- Learned to make links between the subjects and Theory of Knowledge
- Developed an understanding of university demands
- Provided teachers with a snapshot of each student’s ability to cope with the unique aspects of IBDP learning

How did the Year 11 students like the IB Induction?
“The experience has been eye-opening to say the least! It made me feel less overwhelmed with the upcoming year. I think that it was successful for me, and I gained a lot from this experience, because just knowing a little bit of what's to come made me less afraid.” – Victoria F
“During such an uncertain period, the IBDP Induction course has been the lighthouse in our academic studies to guide us back on track and prepare for the challenges ahead in the IB. With lectures and activities ranging from individual subjects to the Extended Essay and CAS, the induction programme has been extremely fruitful in giving us a glimpse of various IB components, as well as helping us understand both the academic and the social aspects of the course, the adversities and opportunities ahead of us.” – Jeffrey W
“The cancellation of our IGCSE examinations has not hindered our zeal for learning, but in fact, has enabled us a pathway to familiarise ourselves with the IB for the past two weeks. An overarching theme of globalisation was set for subjects offering IB taster lessons, which, to say the least, have been helpful with the consideration of our IB subject choices. The theme was particularly useful for us to identify the transferability of skills across subjects in the IB. We were hence able to feel the oneness of the IB curriculum.” – Guan Rong T
“During the two weeks of IBDP Induction, I experienced different aspects of the next two years, starting with the Extended Essay, Theory of Knowledge, and CAS. This gave me a much better understanding of how each course that I am interested in works and experienced an “actual” IB lesson where the teacher taught us real IB content. I enjoyed these two weeks as I gained a lot of knowledge of how everything will work in the coming years.” – Megan W
“As a student, I feel incredibly grateful to have had this unprecedented opportunity to gain insights on the IB. Rather than serious lectures, it was more of a preview and an exciting head start to the courses we would like to take. I love biology, so it was fascinating to dive deep into the science behind COVID-19 and to understand what steps could be taken to combat this pandemic.” – Mika Y
One reoccurring theme in the student comments was: huge thanks to Mr Greene and all staff involved in putting the IB Induction together! The foundation has been laid for years to come, by teachers who were quick to adapt to extraordinary circumstances.
*IGCSE is the UK’s General Certificate of Secondary Education adapted to an international context. Covering Years 10 and 11, this rigorous programme culminates in external assessments. When students reach Year 12, they would already be familiar with this format of two years of curriculum ending in standardised final examinations.
We are accepting applications to our IGCSE and IBDP programmes.