Masked-Unmasked – Submit Your Multimedia Reflection


A Multimedia Exhibition Dedicated to Life During COVID-19

An exhibition capturing our experiences of day to day life and of extraordinary opportunities made possible during this time in self-exile and self-quarantin

During this extraordinary time, we are presented with a perfect opportunity to reflect upon how confinement within and exile from our homes has led to new shared experiences with family, friends and within ourselves. Our attitude to these situations can make us stronger. DCB invites you as a family, a group of friends or as an individual, to create a reflection of your time in any media form that you prefer, such as photography, video, audio, a drawing, a poem, an extract from a journal, an inspirational quote, or a sculpture.

To participate, follow the link or scan the QR code.

Masked-Unmasked Poster

Notice of Entry Submission

  • You can sign up as an individual, a family or a group
  • One entry per family, group or individual
  • Submission shall be relevant and original
  • Selected entries will be showcased in DCB Wechat or Website and The College magazine
  • Deadline for submission is 23:59 15th March (Beijing Time)
  • Any questions regarding submission please contact Maggie Jiang at

We hope to connect members of the DCB community through this exhibition and can’t wait to see your submission!