Meet the Dulwich College Beijing Admissions team!

When enquiring about potential enrolment at Dulwich College Beijing, one is very likely to connect with a member of our welcoming and competent Admissions team. Our multilingual team of five considers itself to be the College’s prospective and new families best ally, from the first contact through the first few months of enrolment. Averaging 10+years of admission experience per member, they skilfully carry out their mission to provide each family with the best-fit educational solution by identifying their key needs, drawing on their thorough experience of the international education landscape, from the evolving demographics to the dynamics and variety of schools offerings. Such in-depth understanding comes from proactively engaging with families to understand their current and past educational experience as well as pinpointing what really matters to them moving forward. Such open and collaborative conversations usually enable all parties involved to judge whether they are a good fit for each other.

Their essential toolkit comprises cross-cultural and cross-functional collaborations, strong teamwork and communication skills. With the ongoing pandemic, their resilience and creativity have been tried and tested to continue providing families with their high-standard support.
While they thrive seeing new students settling in smoothly and genuinely enjoying their new school life, they draw their energy from the satisfaction of having positively contributed to a family’s new life. They acknowledge such rewarding outcome goes in pair with firstly, accurately assessing and managing families’ expectations, and secondly, appreciating how these would align with the Dulwich values. Inevitably, being part of the Admissions team also sometimes means having to deliver disappointing news to families, which remains an unpleasant task for our sincere and customer-focused team.
They have learnt over the years to balance the enrolment rate across the three schools while keeping in mind that ideally, the younger a student joins DCB, the more likely this student is to fully benefit from the DCB independence and leadership learning journey, and to grow through this holistic educational pathway. They are not, however, oblivious to the practical realities of life and are inspired by the Year 12 applicants whom they see as young adults ready to face a steep ramp-up as they embark on the final, and reputably challenging, two-year IBDP programme in a brand new school.

New and returning families satisfaction surveys have shown that the DCB families can particularly relate with the holistic student-centric education that DCB provides, resulting in independent and resilient learners starting from Early Years all the way through Senior School, with leadership opportunities provided across the whole College, alongside a large variety of extra-curricular activities to choose from. It is worth noting that the highly collaborative interactions between students, teachers and parents are also reflected through the community’s feedback. From parent engagement in the community’s life to the pastoral care system throughout the College, a rather unique alignment of the community with the Dulwich values contributes to establishing strong foundations for a long-lasting educational partnership.
Having encountered so many families and applicants, our Admissions team have developed a sharp eye to spot highly motivated children who show genuine curiosity and authentic readiness to learn and try new things. Similarly, they love to engage with supportive parents who master the art of showing interest and engaging in their child’s school life yet providing their child with the space to grow and learn independently. This, indeed, is a balancing act of guiding a child to build up the motivation and skills to confidently reach his or her full potential.