Resonating with the Symphony of Love through Music

As leaves began to fall and winter began its onset in Beijing, the concert See My World · There is Always Love in Stories was held at the Fjällbacka Music and Art Centre in Beijing. The concert was the brainchild of Zerric M, one of our Year 6 students who wanted to leverage his musical talents in playing the cello to raise funds for the tuition of impoverished rural girls in China. He planned to donate the proceeds to the China Children’s and Teenager’s Fund (CCTF)’s Spring Bud project, which helps girls from rural China acquire enough funds to pay for their education. Initially aiming to raise 20,000RMB, the concert was a smashing success, and he successfully raised 52,000RMB.

Ms Wang Chen, a solo pianist from Austria, and Mr Wang Fan, a pianist from the Central Conservatory of Music, enthusiastically joined the young musicians to bring a warm and healing concert that was a treat to the ears and to the souls. At the concert, classics such as Bach: Cello Suite No. 1, Moments Musicaux, Rondo, and Tarentelle were performed with charming solos and harmonious ensembles. The spotlight was given to four young celloists when the quartet played Bagpipe Dance, March in G Major, and Gavotte. The beautiful and warm sound of the music lightened up the audience.

Zerric was able to hold such a professional concert thanks to his consistent journey of musical learning. " I started playing the piano when I was five years old and the cello when I was eight. I am honoured to have hosted this concert."

And when it comes to his inspiration for philanthropy, Zerric shared, "During summer vacation, I went to see AMSY (Amazing Moms Shunyi). I was immensely moved by their hard work in preparation for the amazing performances and their kindness to help others. I started reflecting on how I could help others as well, and then one day the answer came to me: I am going to use my own talent, which is playing cello, to host a concert! I wanted to host a concert and donate all the profits to those in need! I was so surprised when I exceeded my original goal, which was 20,000RMB. I'm glad I can provide help to more people! "
Zerric also shared his understanding and insights on helping others at the concert and quoted the famous declaration: "Everyone has a right to education," which drew applause from the audience. Zerric hoped to use his cello to raise more funds for public welfare and help high school girls who have dropped out of school due to various reasons to complete their studies. At the same time, he calls on more people to participate in the action, using their strength to bring warmth and hope to those in need.

"Both boys and girls have the same right to education," Zerric further shared, "Kindness, respect, and responsibility are important values of DCB. We should be responsible not only for ourselves or for our Houses, but also our community and the world that we live in."
Mr Anthony Coles, Head of College at Dulwich College Beijing, attended the concert and watched this loving performance with other DCB students. Afterwards, Mr Coles greatly encouraged and recognised Zerric's efforts to impact others positively.
Zerric's mom thanked Mr Coles, DCB teachers and the community for their support for students’ growth, “The success of this concert is another demonstration of the DCB community’s collective efforts and care for students’ development. This experience will become a part of Zerric's memories of growth and make him more confident in the future. We are glad to see Zerric now has his understanding of how kindness is a beautiful virtue in the world, and helping others will also make him a better and happier person. "