Sing for Her, Sing for Us! DCB Parents Hold Charity Concert for Rural Girls

30 Parents from the DCB Parent Choir,
46 students from I-Music Choir and
12 students from DCB whose parents are choir members,
11 songs,
200 plus tickets sold and
11832 RMB was raised.
After 180 days of tireless preparation, Sunday March 12 marked the day that the Friends of Dulwich’s (FoD) Sing For Her charity concert finally made its way to Dulwich College Beijing’s Wodehouse Theatre to the delight of our DCB community.

And while some might find these numbers seem insignificant, they may mean the whole world to at least one high school girl from rural China looking to continue her education for one whole year.
The event was led by our DCB Parent Choir in cooperation with the I-Music Choir and was conducted by our Music Teacher Li Chao, who is also a professional orchestra conductor. All ticket proceeds will be donated to the non-profit organisation Educating Girls of Rural China (EGRC). EGRC helps provide financial sponsorship and support to young women from rural regions of Western China for their high school and university education and offers emotional support and other learning opportunities for their personal and career developments.

Though the concert only lasted for an hour, the event saw a terrific line-up of performances including our many talented parents and students singing on stage, a grandparent singing solo in bel canto style, a talented harpist wowing the crowd and another student playing the Cajon Drum alongside our children’s choir.

Many tears were wiped away as parents watched the documentary videos about the girls the concert was supporting, who lived in the rural area and longed for the outside world beyond the mountains, while the lyrics and tones from the songs we sang touched each and everyone of our hearts.
We sing for love and compassion for HER, the girls from the rural China!

Friends of Dulwich (FoD) is the parent association of Dulwich College Beijing. Their aim is to build bridges between families, the school and the wider community and by doing so, enhance the school experience for our children.