Teddy Bear Gym in full swing in Early Years…

Our Year 1 and Year 2’s Teddy Bear gymnasts once more demonstrated their fantastic and enthusiastic gymnastic skills! The annual Teddy Bear Gym culminated exciting and challenging activities and performances to their great pleasure of all participants who rose to the occasion. As always, our young students could rely on their Year 6 peers to guide them through the routines and also admired their outstanding gymnastic performances. A great example of peers’ mutual inspiration and care across schools!

Year 1 group photo
Year 2 group photo
Early Years - Teddy Bear Gym 2020
Early Years - Teddy Bear Gym 2020
Teddy Bear Gym - Teddy Mascot
Early Years - Teddy Bear Gym 2020
Early Years - Teddy Bear Gym 2020
Early Years and Junior School students - Teddy Bear Gym 2020
Junior School students - Teddy Bear Gym 2020