Class of 2022 graduates with outstanding university offers!

Dulwich College Beijing is proud to share the outstanding offers the Class of 2022 has received worldwide. While these offers undeniably reflect their hard work and achievements, they also, and more importantly, demonstrate how our community of teachers and parents have guided and supported these graduates along a journey that culminated in this coveted IB Diploma and opened doors to a new horizon of endless opportunities.

This was perfectly summarised by Isaac C, Deputy Head Boy 2022, when he acknowledged during his graduation speech that “It is only because of the community we are so fortunately gifted with that we can be here and celebrate the fruit of our hard work. I am grateful for the people who have made me who I am today and look forward to exploring the next chapter in life together. Our years as a cohort have played a crucial role in shaping us into who we are as individuals. As we grow, our identities are defined by the challenges we have endured and, more importantly, the people we surround ourselves with.”

The IB programme is recognised for developing well-rounded young adults, able to strive academically across a wide range of subjects, socially and emotionally. Having guided and cared for this cohort along their IB journey, Head of Year 13 Ms Cassandra Davis shares that she couldn't be prouder of the Class of 2022. “They have shown so much resilience and personal growth! They are now more than ready to leave and go into the world to make it a better place. These amazing university offers are just one example of their determination and tenacity. Good luck!"

Deputy Head Girl 2022 Lauren Z supports her by stating, “We had to develop unique ways to adapt to every unfamiliar challenge thrown at us. Through taking risks and making mistakes, we’ve learnt many lessons and takeaways from them.” She first and foremost highlighted “resilience to surpass mental and physical limits. Still, she added “compassion, love, introspection, self-improvement and independence”, all lifelong skills enabling them “to pick up the pen and start writing our futures”.

Mr Jeffrey Harmon, Director of University Counselling, began his DCB adventure four years ago as the Class of 2022 was beginning their own high school journeys. He witnessed that “even as first-year students in Key Stage 4, you stepped up to fill in key roles for the College and enrich the lives of everyone around you.” He noted that when their IGCSE examinations were cancelled in 2020 and the world was seized with trepidation, this class chose to come back to school, as different as it was, and rebuild our DCB community. “The two years of IB were marked with innumerable disappointments, especially around the anticipated loosening of rules and restoration of the non-academic aspects that transform a school from merely a building to a second home.” In times of such uncertainty, students were regularly reminded to focus only on what they could control, and this class indeed took this to heart, dedicating immense amounts of time to their studies. Mr Harmon concludes, “As individuals, you each possess the skills needed to succeed; I have no doubts about that. But as a collective, in those rare moments when you can all truly collaborate and work like complex machines of parts, that is when the spectacular occurs. You provided us glimpses of that potential these past few years. Never forget the power of being present, showing that you care, and breaking the silence. Remind yourself of all you’ve accomplished and your dreams for the future because those will keep you true.”

University Counsellors Ms Flora Meng and Ms Rachel Garcia also convey their good wishes and congratulations. Ms Meng, who has guided these students through the transition into the IB and university applications, remarks, “It’s been such a thrill watching you grow into more independent and responsible young adults. Dream big, and be daring enough to fail and get up again too. Best wishes for your next adventure!” Ms Garcia shares these final words: “Class of 2022, you are a capable group of students, and you have done so many amazing things already! Go after your goals with confidence but stay humble along the way. Be kind and have fun in this next stage of life!”

On their graduation day, Ethan Z, Head Boy 2022, addressed his classmates: “Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail with your ship. Continue building your legacy. While time may fly by, your legacy will stay.” Dorothy A, Head Girl 2022, concluded the ceremony with a fitting reminder. “Our graduation not only signifies the end of yet another nurturing chapter of our lives but the beginning of the next. Our time at DCB has equipped us with an open mind and the skills we need to mature into adults into the next few stages of our lives and live worldwise.”
Dulwich College Beijing once more congratulates the Class of 2022 for their collective achievements and thanks them for their contributions to the community. The College wishes these now official 2022 International Old Alleynians the best of success for their future!